CESR 25th Anniversary Reception
Thursday, November 8th, 2018
Scandinavia House, New York, NY

Ignacio Saiz, CESR Executive Director

Carin Norberg, CESR Board Chair

Gaby Oré Aguilar, CESR Deputy Executive Director, and Chris Jochnick, CESR Co-Founder
and CEO of Landesa, during the panel on "Social justice through human rights: then and now"

Pablo Iglesias, Advocacy Officer, Médicos del Mundo

Irene Kahn, CESR Vice-Chair and Director-General, International Development Law Organization

Magdalena Sepulveda, CESR Board Member and Senior Research Fellow, UN Research
Institute for Social Development and Heba Khalil, Senior Researcher, Social Justice Platform

Event attendees listening to the panel presentation

Moderator Gaby Oré Aguilar and panelists

Iain Levine, Deputy Executive Director, Program, Human Rights Watch, commenting

Ignacio Saiz and Roger Normand, CESR Co-Founder, toasting CESR

Gaby Oré Aguilar, Carin Norberg, Irene Kahn and Ignacio Saiz

CESR Co-Founders Roger Normand and Chris Jochnick with Business and Human Rights
Resource Centre staffers Philip Bloomer, Patricia Surak and Marti Flacks

CESR Board Members Irene Kahn, John T. Green and Imad Sabi
with Rosalind McKenna, Program Officer, Open Society Foundations

Sergio Chaparro, Program Officer, Human Rights in Economic Policy Program,
CESR with Sally-Anne Way, OHCHR and former CESR Research Director (right)

Bettina Luise Rürup, Executive Director, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Kate Donald, Program Director,
Human Rights in Sustainable Development Program, CESR; and Sarah Dayringer, Global Policy Watch

Imad Sabi and Rosalind McKenna

Gregory Tzeutschler Regaignon, Program Officer, International Human Rights, Wellspring;
Elizabeth McCormack, CESR Board Secretary; and Christine Hughes, Burke Neurological Institute

Mila Rosenthal, Director, Communications and Advocacy, United Nations Development Programme

CESR partners Heba Khalil and Pablo Iglesias

Iain Levine and Niko Lusiani, Senior Advisor, Oxfam America and former CESR staffer

Diederick Lohman, Director, Health and Human Rights, Human Rights Watch
and Borislav Petranov, Director for Global Rights, Open Society Foundations

Attendees enjoying a toast to CESR

CESR Board Members Magdalena Sepulveda and Joe Oloka-Onyango, Professor of Law,
Human Rights & Peace Centre, School of Law, Makerere University, Uganda

Kate Donald and son Harvey
All photos by Vitaliy Piltser