Equatorial Guinea
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A trail of hope from Geneva to Equatorial Guinea: using the UPR for national level impact
CESR is providing support to Equatoguinean human rights defenders eager to make use of the UPR.

Press release: UNESCO Must Stop Discredited Prize
CESR has joined forces with eight other human rights organizations to confront moves to resurrect the discredited UNESCO-Obiang Science Prize. The government of Equatorial Guinea is hoping to bring back the award honouring dictator Teodoro Obiang, which was suspended last year.

Supporting Equatorial Guinea's embattled rights defenders
Despite spectacular rates of growth, the majority of Equatorial Guinea's population continues to live in poverty. On Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September CESR joined forces with EG Justice and several Equatoguinean NGOs to stage a capacity-building workshop in Madrid.

UNESCO Suspends Dictator Prize After Global Protest
CESR and its partners welcomed UNESCO's decision today to suspend, indefinitely, the prize funded by and named after President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea.

UNESCO: Pull Obiang Prize
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization should cancel the Obiang Prize at its next session in October 2010, the Center for Economic and Social Rights and 95 partner groups said in a letter sent to UNESCO Executive Board members today.

Supporting Equatorial Guinea’s embattled rights defenders
Despite high rates of economic growth, most Equatoguineans continue to live in poverty.

UNESCO Must Stop Discredited Prize
Equatorial Guinea Seeks to Resurrect UNESCO-Obiang Science Prize.

Why UNESCO should just cancel the Obiang life sciences prize
"UNESCO is allowing itself to be used to burnish the unsavory reputation of a cruel and corrupt despot." --Tutu Alicante, EG Justice

UNESCO: End Alliance with Corrupt Dictator
UNESCO-Obiang Science Prize Funded by Suspect Money from Equatorial Guinea Leader.

Equatorial Guinea reports to Human Rights Council
Government and NGOs present different pictures before UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

UNESCO: ‘Dictator Prize’ Suspension Only a Temporary Fix
Prize honoring Equatorial Guinea leader should be cancelled

Equatorial Guinea: Submission to Universal Periodic Review
CESR individual submission to the OHCHR on the occasion of the sixth session of the Universal Periodic Review, December 2009.

Hoja Informativa sobre Guinea Ecuatorial
Guinea Ecuatorial se ha convertido en el país más rico en renta per capita del África subsahariana.

Equatorial Guinea Factsheet
This 2009 factsheet focuses on the rights to health, education, water and sanitation.

Equatorial Guinea: resource cursed
An article in Foreign Policy demonstrates how Equatorial Guinea's oil is hurting rather than helping