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Strategizing with indigenous leaders from Peru and Colombia
Fiscal policies must include indigenousr rights. Watch the reflections of our latest workshop with indigenous leaders from the Amazon and Andes..

Desigual y Letal: 5 key actions to recover from the pandemic in Latin America & the Caribbean
Our joint report with Amnesty International shows that to address the impact of the pandemic and prepare for others in the future, it is vital to transform fiscal policies in the region.

CESR Co-Organizes Strategic Meeting of Indigenous Leaders From Peru and Colombia
At the event, we highlighted how the Principles for Human Rights in Fiscal Policies can aid the claims of indigenous peoples.

A Marathon, Not a Sprint: Peru Needs Fiscal Reforms to Quell High COVID-19 Death Rate
Sergio Chaparro and Laura Adriaensens on Inter Press Service discuss how Peru has been one of the Latin American countries with the lowest investment in social policies, leading to deep disparities in the realization of social rights.

Forging Tools for Fiscal Justice in the Andean Region
Since 2016, CESR has worked with civil society partners in Peru and Colombia to build greater consensus on how public resources can be more equitably generated and distributed, in line with human rights obligations.

Peru: Financing a Just Recovery to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Behind a facade of economic success, Peru hides deep multidimensional inequalities which jeopardize achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Human Rights in Peru
Peru's success story in terms of growth and poverty reduction requires a more nuanced evaluation, given persistent inequalities and the government's failure to guarantee social rights and ensure sustainable growth through sound fiscal practices. This short video offers two compelling examples of unjustified rights deprivations caused by the country's unfair fiscal and budgetary policies: the setbacks in bilingual intercultural education policy and the lack of adequate funding for cancer policies.

Resources Restricting Rights: Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Social Rights in Peru
Funding gaps for education and healthcare in Peru create significant obstacles to the guarantee of human rights and economic equality.

Unequal and Unjust: the Human Rights Costs of Tax and Budget Decisions in Peru
A new report from CESR finds that Peru’s unjust tax and budget policies threaten quality education for the country’s Indigenous children and restrict access to prompt cancer treatment for some underserved patients.

Fiscal Policy and the Rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples
Video from workshop in Bogotá bringing together Indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders from Peru and Colombia to discuss the links between unjust fiscal policies, extractive industries, and the rights and wellbeing of these communities..

Briefing for IACHR’s Report on Poverty and Human Rights in the Americas
IACHR briefing on relevance of fiscal policies for reducing poverty and human rights violations in the Americas.

Endorse the Lima Declaration on Tax Justice and Human Rights
Joint declaration: The Global Week of Action for Tax Justice has culminated in the release of the Lima Declaration on Tax Justice and Human Rights.

Building the foundation for tax justice through human rights
Tax justice activists and human rights defenders from all over the world came together April 29-30, 2015 in Peru for a strategy meeting designed to build a platform for future collaboration.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Economic and Social Rights Violations in Peru
This report focuses on the Inter-American Commission's role in promoting economic, social, and cultural rights in Peru.

CESR Statement on Peru before the Committee on ESCR
This statement on Peru was made to the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights at the UN in April, 1997.