South Africa
Showing 28 results

New guide: How to influence the G20 agenda for Economic Justice
Our latest publication provides actionable insights and strategies for advocating within and beyond the G20 system.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Co-creating change: Shifting the Narrative on rights and the economy in South Africa
Collaborative insights and materials to redefine how we talk about human rights and the economy

Video: Shifting the Narrative Recommendations
This video summarizes the key findings of our Shifting the Narrative project.

Reflecting on transformation and collective learning through a milestone workshop in Kenya
As we reach the end of a two-year project supported by the Ford Foundation, we held a reflection and learning workshop in Naivasha, Kenya.

Co-designing popular education materials on human rights and climate change: some early insights
We brought together 30 activists from mining-affected communities across South Africa to explore new ways of expanding human rights knowledge.

Exploring how to change mindsets about the economy in South Africa
Along a group of over 30 researchers, civil society organizations, and social movement activists, CESR is exploring how words and language can transform what we take for granted.

The right to health vs. the market: Rejecting the false dichotomy
A ruling from South Africa’s Constitutional Court shows how a Rights-Based Economy can give everyone the resources they need to prosper and guarantee their rights.

CESR and partners follow up on South Africa’s CESCR review
Our team and allies have been closely following the implementation of recommendations by the UN on economic, social, and cultural rights.

Economics & Human Rights in South Africa During COVID
In this collaborative series between the Institute for Economic Justice, CESR and SECTION27, we explore the link between economics and human rights during COVID-19 in South Africa.

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | South Africa
Carilee Osborne and Pamela Choga of the Institute for Economic Justice discuss the South African government's inadequate response to COVID-19 and argue for a fundamental economic transformation that ensures human rights.

South Africa: Is Resource Mobilization Reducing Inequality?
As South Africa presents its review at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York, a rights-based snapshot of obstacles and opportunities is put forward by CESR, the Institute for Economic Justice and Section 27.

South Africa: Is Domestic Resource Mobilization Reducing Inequality?
This factsheet for the 2019 HLPF review suggests that South Africa is not taking the right policy and budgetary steps to reduce inequality, realize social and economic rights and achieve its sustainable development commitments.

Legacies of apartheid: South African austerity perpetuates the inequalities of decades past
The South African government’s adoption of austerity measures now perpetuates many of the same inequalities that apartheid upheld many years ago.
South Africa urged to end austerity measures amid "unacceptably high levels of inequality"
Civil society inputs documenting rights deprivations in health, education, tax policies were crucial to CESCR recommendation.
UN Committee interrogates harmful austerity policies in South Africa after receiving compelling evidence from civil society groups
PRESS RELEASE: The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights grilled the South African government delegation on healthcare and education cuts, regressive tax changes and rampant corruption at country’s first review.
Civil society organizations urge South Africa to end austerity measures and combat inequality
As South Africa presents its first human rights compliance report to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, CSOs call for a human rights-based approach to fiscal and economic policy, steps to tackle corruption and increased funding for healthcare and education.

Austerity in the Midst of Inequality Threatens Human Rights in South Africa
Enjoyment of the rights laid out in the South African Constitution remains elusive for the majority of people.

Joint Submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for South Africa’s first period report, 64th Session, October 2018
South Africa submission explores the State's obligation to use “maximum available resources" and argues against austerity.

Developing human rights indicators for the SDGs in South Africa
May 4: Allison Corkery presented in Johannesburg on the role of national human rights institutions in developing human rights indicators for the SDGs.

How Data Is Helping in the Struggle for the Right to Education in South Africa
Media: CESR's Allison Corkery writes in Open Society Foundations Voices blog about using OPERA tool with Legal Resources Centre to identify indicators and analyze data for tracking implementation in South African education rights case.

How Data Is Helping in the Struggle for the Right to Education in South Africa
CESR's Allison Corkery writes in Open Society Foundations Voices blog about using OPERA tool with Legal Resources Centre to identify indicators and analyze data for tracking implementation on South African education rights case.

OPERA in South Africa: How Strategic Litigation + Strong Data = Better Implementation
In a new case study, CESR and the Legal Resources Centre reflect on a joint project piloting the use of the OPERA framework to analyze implementation in a case on the right to education in South Africa.

OPERA in Practice: Implementation of Strategic Litigation in South Africa
CESR's OPERA framework tracks South African court's mandate on education rights.
OPERA in Practice: case studies applying CESR's monitoring framework
CESR presents four new case studies – from Kenya, Ireland, Angola, and Egypt – illustrating some of the diverse ways our OPERA Framework for monitoring economic and social rights can be applied.

South Africa: court orders task team to tackle school furniture saga
CESR's partners in South Africa have secured a significant breakthrough after a court ordered the Minister of Basic Education to address furniture shortages in Eastern Cape schools.

CESR pays tribute to Nelson Mandela
CESR Board member Geoff Budlender, who served as Director-General of the Department of Land Affairs during Nelson Mandela's presidency, pays tribute to the late South African leader.