Showing 38 results

Spain: From Laggard to Leader on Social Rights?
Devastating findings of UN poverty expert’s recent visit to Spain put the new government’s commitments on social rights to the test.

When human rights triumph over austerity: Spain restores universal health care
Spain’s new government ends the exclusion of undocumented migrants from health care, an austerity measure adopted by the former government.

Overturning Austerity: Spain reestablishes universal access to healthcare
A sustained and coordinated fight by Spanish civil society and CESR obtained a promise from the new government to repeal a decree that deprived nearly one million the right to health.

Spanish austerity violates health, housing, sexual and reproductive health and rights
Factsheet demonstrates how Spanish austerity disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.

United Nations urges Spain to end detrimental austerity measures
Press release: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights calls for a more redistributive fiscal system that addresses rising economic and social inequalities
United Nations urges Spain to end detrimental austerity measures
This statement is available in pdf format in EnglishEsta declaración está disponible en formato pdf en español

CESR and Spanish partners brief UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Geneva on a decade of austerity in Spain
Press release: CESR and 35 Spanish organizations denounce government for failing to fulfill obligations guaranteeing economic, social and cultural rights.

Executive summary of joint submission to UN CESCR for Spain review, March 2018
Report denounces cuts depriving health, housing, work, sexual and reproductive health rights.

Full submission to UN CESCR for Spain review, March 2018
El informe denuncia los recortes que privan a la salud, la vivienda, el trabajo y los derechos de salud sexual y reproductiva.

Spain: Constitutional Court ruling on health service exclusion of undocumented migrants ignores human rights
Press release: CESR and its partners reiterate that Spain's health reform contravenes international human rights norms.

CESR's work in Spain
CESR's allies in Spain reflect on the situation in their country - particularly regarding undocumented migrants who have been excluded from universal healthcare - and the contribution the Center has made.

Spanish government gives inadequate response to UN on migrants’ right to health
Press release: As Spain appears before the Human Rights Council, CESR and its partners affirm access to health care is still not guaranteed to migrants in the country.

Spain’s austerity criticized again in UN rights review
Spain's failure to protect economic and social rights in times of economic crisis has come under stern criticism from other states at the Universal Periodic Review.

Spain under scrutiny at United Nations
Press release: On January 21 the Spanish government will be held to account for its human rights record at the Universal Periodic Review

Spain: Austerity driving poverty, inequality, human rights deterioration
Factsheet illustrates how austerity is driving violations of economic and social rights in Spain (2015).

Strengthening joint action to protect the right to health of undocumented migrants
Joint statement: Amnesty International, CESR, Medicos del Mundo and Red Acoge have issued a joint statement denouncing Spain's non-compliance with its human rights obligations.

Excluding undocumented migrants from health services is a violation of European law
Press release: A new report from the European Committee on Social Rights finds Spain's legislation denying health care services to undocumented migrants to be regressive.

CESR raises austerity concerns in Spain and Europe
After five years of economic crisis and a series of austerity budgets that have served only to compound its problems, people in Spain are being pushed to the limits of resilience.

Balancing the books, but neglecting the people
Op-Ed: CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz, writing in the Irish Examiner, examines the parallel patterns of retrogression stemming from Ireland and Spain's respective austerity programs.

Immigrants’ rights in poor health: resisting cutbacks in Spain
Some 150,000 immigrants have lost their right to public health services under the latest cost-cutting measures implemented in Spain.

UN Committee calls on Spain to revise austerity measures
The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has echoed civil society demands in questioning the cuts made to social spending in response to the crisis.

UN urges governments to prioritize human rights over austerity
News article: The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has issued an open letter urging governments to prioritize human rights in times of economic crisis.

UN calls on Spanish government to 'revise' austerity measures which are harming human rights
Press release: The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has echoed civil society demands in questioning the cuts made to social spending in response to the crisis.

Naciones Unidas pide al Gobierno español 'revisar' las medidas de austeridad
Nota de prensa: El Comité de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales de la ONU se hace eco de las demandas de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y cuestiona los recortes sociales.

Taking Spain's austerity measures to task at the UN
UN submission: As Spain appeared before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the first time in eight years, CESR has presented two new documents in Geneva.

Spain Factsheet (2012)
2012 factsheet on economic, social and cultural rights in Spain since the economic crisis took hold in 2007.

Spain answers to UN for rights impacts of crisis response
Spain is appearing before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the first time in eight years.

Social rights; the other deficit
Op-ed Article: To whom is the Spanish state ultimately accountable, the markets or the citizenry? This article by CESR Program Director Gaby Oré was published in El País on 7 May 2012.

Challenges for social rights litigation in Spain
Unnecessarily retrogressive expenditure cuts deployed by governments in the face of the economic crisis are exacting a devastating toll on ESCR.

Spain's austerity measures under the spotlight
CESR has coordinated a parallel report to the UN with 18 other civil society organizations.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Spanish civil society submits parallel report to CESCR
CESR has coordinated a parallel report which has been submitted to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) ahead of its 48th session in May 2012.

Seminar: New Horizons in Economic and Social Rights Monitoring
CESR has staged a major two-day seminar on economic and social rights monitoring in the Spanish capital Madrid.

Austerity and retrogression: Have governments got the right?
As a fiscal compact among European leaders furthers prejudice against ESCR, CESR joins an open letter to Spain's Prime Minister.

Elections in Spain: tough choices for tough times
As voters head to the polls amidst the worst economic crisis in recent history, Ignacio Saiz warns that democracy without social rights risks becoming a 'dictatorship of the markets'.

Spain: Submission to UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
CESR's joint submission with Observatori DESC on economic, social and cultural rights in Spain (2011).

Spain First to Ratify New UN Protocol on ESCR
CESR and allies welcome Spain's ratification of the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR.

Economic Crisis and Human Rights
At the start of the UN General Assembly's conference on the economic crisis, CESR urged world leaders to sieze the opportunity to put human rights at the centre of its global responses.

SOS Racismo: "La crisis económica y financiera global provoca un aumento del racismo institucional"
Y el racismo institucional fomenta el racismo social contra los inmigrantes en España tanto como en la Unión Europea.