United States
Showing 27 results

UN: Countries blocking the TRIPS waiver guilty of racial discrimination
After a complaint submitted by CESR and allies, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) called out Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and the US for violating international law and replicating colonial hierarchies by blocking access to COVID vaccine and treatment technologies.

Going Against the Grain: Human Rights and Working for Change
The Going Against the Grain conference focused on local grassroots initiatives that use human rights as a practical tool to actively take on vested interests and advance economic democracy.

Tax abuse leads to human rights abuse
Policy-makers have played Jenga with the broken international corporate tax system for some time. It’s time to build a new foundation for effective taxation of multinationals.
Tax Justice Network's U.S. tax reform podcast: The killing of the American Dream
27 February: Niko Lusiani discusses the link between U.S. tax reforms and human rights deprivations on Tax Justice Network's latest podcast.

Kathryn Sikkink book cites CESR's call for a "tax policy for human rights"
Media: Human rights expert writes that CESR stands out when citing tax havens as a drain on available resources that could provide adequate economic and social rights.

USA: Extreme poverty and inequality in a land of plenty
The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights undertook a revealing fact-finding mission to the USA.

U.S. Tax Plan’s Spiraling Consequences for Human Rights and Poverty – At Home and Abroad
Media: CESR's Niko Lusiani writes in FACTCoalition about CESR bringing the human rights costs of the proposed U.S. tax cuts to the attention of leading UN human rights official Philip Alston now investigating poverty in the country.

U.S. Tax Plan’s Spiraling Consequences for Human Rights and Poverty – At Home and Abroad
CESR's Niko Lusiani writes in FACTCoalition about CESR bringing the human rights costs of the proposed U.S. tax cuts to the attention of leading UN human rights official Philip Alston now investigating poverty in the country.

CESR raises concerns about US tax bill before UN human rights and poverty expert visiting the country
6 December: CESR Statement: As U.S. Congress considers drastically altering its tax code, CESR presented human rights costs of proposed cuts to the attention of visiting UN human rights and poverty official.

Fiscal Impoverishment in the United States: Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Poverty and Human Rights
CESR’s formal submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Philip Alston, ahead of his official visit to the United States. The submission warns that the proposed tax plans will only deepen poverty and inequality within the U.S., while also enabling transnational tax abuse and therefore undermining the ability of countries around the world to invest in human rights.

The US Tax March: Highlighting the human rights repercussions of the Trump-Ryan tax plans
CESR statement: The tax marches held across and beyond the US on April 15 were an opportunity to focus on the alarming implications of proposed US tax reforms.

King, Keynes and Obama's legacy at the IMF
As the US marks Martin Luther King Day, CESR Senior Researcher Niko Lusiani calls for the iconic leader's social justice vision to be remembered in contemporary social and economic policy.

CESR at the UN: the United States' human rights obligations (video).
The obligation of every government is to protect, respect, and fulfill economic and social rights. Watch CESR's comments and those of our allies about the United States' responsibilities.

US Must Not Betray Freedom from Want
Call comes as the United Nations issues 228 recommendations to the United States on human rights improvement.

How the US defended its human rights record before the United Nations
The US government presents its human rights record to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Human Rights Groups Urge the United States to Place Greater Focus on Achieving Freedom from Want
Call Comes as the United States Appears Before the United Nations to Report on Human Rights Compliance.

CESR to co-host event on U.S. human rights record at the UN
November 5 in Geneva: "Building Foundations for Freedom from Want in the Land of Plenty"

Tackling Income Inequality in the United States through Financial Literacy Programs
The income gap between whites and blacks more than quadrupled between 1984 and 2007, and a quarter of black families have no assets at all.

United States Factsheet
Despite its wealth, the United States has one the poorest records of economic and social rights achievement of all high-income countries.

United States: Submission to UPR
CESR's individual and an NGO joint submission to the UPR, November 2010

US Must Change Position on Economic and Social Rights
Successive governments have seen health, education, housing and other social goods as market commodities rather than as rights which the state has the duty to respect, protect and fulfill.

US Faces Rare International Scrutiny on Economic and Social Rights
Despite being the world's wealthiest economy, the United States has one the poorest records of economic and social rights achievement of all high-income countries, a new CESR analysis shows.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Right to Health in the United States
The US health care system falls short of international standards for the right to health (2004).

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Beyond Torture: US Violations of Occupation Law in Iraq
This report, from June 2004, presents ten categories of US violations of the laws of occupation.

Factsheets, Manuals & Guides, Publications
United States: Fighting for the Right to Education
CESR has focused on efforts to improve educational standards in New York City public schools by bringing a human rights perspective to education issues.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Human Cost of War in Iraq
In January 2003, a CESR organized a research mission to Iraq to assess the likely humanitarian consequences of war.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
"Treated Like Slaves" Donna Karan, Inc. Violates Workers' Rights
This preliminary report examines violations of women workers' human rights in the Choe factories in New York City.