Asia Pacific
Showing 22 results

Decoding Injustice in practice: taking stock of what we’ve learned in 2023 and where we’re headed in 2024
From learning exchanges with organizations in Tunisia and the Asia Pacific to transformative research projects in the Philippines and Zambia, the program navigates the intersection of discrimination, policy decisions, and economic trends. Here, we explore Decoding Injustice's impactful journey over the past year and what comes next.

Decoding the WBG’s SPLIT Project in the Philippines: Resisting Agrarian Injustice
This report exposes how peasants’ rights are being violated by market-led agrarian reforms promoted by the World Bank Group in the Philippines.

When the Water Runs Dry: Human Rights, Climate Change & Deepening Water Inequality in Delhi, India
A new report by Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic uses our OPERA framework to monitor the fulfillment of ESC rights in Delhi, India.

New learning exchanges for community struggles in Asia Pacific
Two recent collaborations between CESR and our allies in Thailand and the Philippines are bringing Decoding Injustice to organizations keen on exploring the impacts of economic policies.

Testing the Water: Using Opera to Assess How the Right to Water in India Is Protected in a Changing Climate
How can activists expose the effects of government policies on people's rights? In this guest blog, Harvard law student Laura Bach details her experience using our OPERA Framework to explore how the right to water is guaranteed in India.

Supporting rights defenders in the Asia-Pacific
Manila workshop participants honed their skills in collecting and analyzing primary and secondary data, and interpreting economic and budgetary information.

Malaysia: new report on right to education for disabled children has important lessons for government
The National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia and CESR are working to ensure children with disabilities are not denied their right to education.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
New Zealand earthquake recovery: empowering rights claiming
A new report from the New Zealand Human Rights Commission in collaboration with CESR analyses human rights issues in the Canterbury earthquake recovery.

Supporting Asia-Pacific rights institutions to engage with MDGs
News articles: CESR is helping NHRIs address is how to produce stronger and more methodologically rigorous monitoring of governments??? compliance with their obligation to fulfil economic, social and cultural rights.

Syria: Submission to UN Human Rights Council's UPR
CESR's joint submission with the Arab NGO Network for the 12th session of the Universal Periodic Review, October 2011.

Disparities Underlie Calls for Change
Disparities between youth and adults, and between men and women, especially in health, education and labor rights, reveal much.
Justice delayed and denied in India
Court ruling on 1984 Bhopal chemical disaster is "too little, too late."

Cambodia: Submission to UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
CESR individual submission to sixth session of the Universal Periodic Review, December 2009

Cambodia Factsheet
A graphic overview of selected elements of the human rights to health, food, education, housing and water (2009).

Bangladesh Factsheet
In light of Bangladesh's appearance before the Committee on the Rights of the Child in May 2009, this factsheet looks at the realization of economic and social rights for Bangladesh's children.

Bangladesh questioned on respect, protection and fulfillment of children's rights
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is currently in the middle of its 51st session, at which Bangladesh presented its third and fourth consolidated report.

Cambodia is questioned by UN on economic and social rights record
Cambodia's ambassador to the UN appeared before the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) on 11-12 May 2009.
Cambodia's Economic and Social Rights Under Scrutiny
A new CESR analysis asks if Cambodia is dedicating maximum available resources to realizing economic and social rights

India Factsheet
India had higher economic growth from 1995 to 2005 than its South Asian neighbors, but also one of the smallest declines in under-five mortality rates.

The Right to Water in Palestine: a Background
The Israeli confiscation and control of Palestinian water resources is a defining feature of the Israeli occupation and a major impediment to resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

New Human Rights Report to Be Presented at Loya Jirga
CESR is today releasing a report, Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan, about the growing human rights crisis in Afghanistan

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Great Expectations, Bitter Realities
Economic Decline and Human Rights Abuse under the Oslo Process, 2001