South West Asia & North Africa
Showing 41 results

Key voices: Shereen Talaat and MENAFEM’s feminist mobilization for economic justice in SWANA
In our new blog series, Key Voices, we shine a spotlight on the movements and leaders driving the fight for justice, equality, and human rights around the world.

CESR and allies assess the human rights impacts of hydropower project in Nepal
A group of national and international organizations joined women from the Majhi Indigenous community to call attention to the human rights impacts of the Sunkoshi Hydropower Dam.

Decoding Injustice in practice: taking stock of what we’ve learned in 2023 and where we’re headed in 2024
From learning exchanges with organizations in Tunisia and the Asia Pacific to transformative research projects in the Philippines and Zambia, the program navigates the intersection of discrimination, policy decisions, and economic trends. Here, we explore Decoding Injustice's impactful journey over the past year and what comes next.

Using Decoding Injustice to map rights priorities across SWANA
Participants from 7 countries were at the skill-sharing sessions led by CESR.

Egypt Social Progress Indicators 2020 Annual Report
The latest in-depth analysis by CESR and allies shows weak progress and many regressions in Egypt’s social and economic rights.

Fiscal Governance Under the Taliban: an analysis of the first Afghan national budget since the fall of the republic
Even after the Taliban takeover, Afghan researchers & civil society are continuing to scrutinize government: Read this guest blog post by our ally Ibrahim Khan, who looks at the implications of the recently approved budget for human rights in Afghanistan.

CEWLA and CESR Submit a Follow up Report on Egypt to the CEDAW’s 80th Session
The report analyzes issues raised by the Committee related particularly to women’s enjoyment of economic and social rights, in light of the pandemic and in the context of the IMF-backed economic reform program in Egypt.

Sharing Tools to Track the Human Rights Impact of Fiscal Responses to COVID
On June 2, CESR continued its work with EuroMed Rights’ Economic and Social Rights Working Group, holding a skills-sharing session on evaluating how governments’ fiscal responses to COVID-19 impact people’s human rights.

Fostering new approaches to monitor COVID recovery in MENA
We shared toolkits and methods for a rights-based monitoring of COVID-19 recovery with the Oxfam FAIR-EiU Knowledge Hub forum.

Sharing Tools to Evaluate the Impact of COVID-19 Recovery Measures
On March 5th, CESR led a skill-sharing session with members of EuroMed’s Economic and Social Rights Working Group, which explored ways to assess economic responses to COVID-19 through a human rights lens.

IMF annuals side-event: The Role of IFIs in a World of Intersecting Conflicts and Crises in the Middle East and North Africa
On Friday, October 5, 2020 CESR participated in a session that assessed IFI's policies in contexts of crises and conflicts, mainly in the MENA Region—examining the existing policies and their impact on inequality.
The IMF and Right to Food: Conditionality on Food and Agriculture in the Arab Region
This session on Thursday, October 17th at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings will discuss IMF-imposed policies in the Arab Region that impact agricultural policies and achievement of the right to food from regional and national perspectives, as well as propose alternatives.

Co-designing and Threat-modeling Accountability Tools for Restricted Civic Spaces: the Egypt Social Progress Indicators Platform
CESR staffers will be at #RightsCon next week in Tunis and on June 13th will host a session on "Co-designing and Threat-modeling Accountability Tools for Restricted Civic Spaces."

Egypt Social Progress Indicators Reveal How Austerity Feeds Gross Inequalities
The Egypt Social Progress Indicators Project finds that IMF-mandated austerity policies are amplifying severe inequalities and undermining the rights to health, education, housing and decent work for millions of Egyptians.

ESPI provides alternative to traditional economic indicators that ignore the disenfranchised
Mahinour El-Badrawi was interviewed about ESPI for Tax Justice Network's Arabic Podcast.

Labor rights and workplace equality in Egypt: new measure finds progress lacking
The Egypt Social Progress Indicators (ESPI) project recently released findings reflecting an overall need for broad policy changes to improve labor rights, working conditions and wage trends.

OPERA Stories: Using metrics to reframe “progress” in Egypt
Heba Khalil is a longstanding collaborator with CESR, most recently on the Egypt Social Progress Indicators. She is a PhD student at the University of Illinois and a researcher with the Social Justice Platform (SJP).

Egypt: New rights-based metric measures social and development progress
A new metric, developed jointly by CESR and its partners in Egypt, offers a more multidimensional view of the socioeconomic situation in Egypt and its human impacts.
Egypt's Economy: Turning a Corner or Going in Circles? Civil Society Perspectives
Thursday, April 19th, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.Bank Information Center (BIC), 10th Floor, 1023 15th St. NW, Washington, DC 20005

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Egypt: Widespread rights retrogression exposed before UPR
The 11 briefing papers in this series were prepared by CESR and the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights

New tools for old problems: closing the accountability gap in Egypt
Allison Corkery on the next phased of our ongoing collaboration with Egyptian human rights defenders.

A missed opportunity for ESCR: Reflections on Egypt's appearance before UPR
CESR's Allison Corkery reflects on the challenges of holding Egypt to account before the UN for its ESCR obligations.

Gaza's humanitarian crisis: what comes next?
The announcement of a long-term ceasefire in Gaza marks the beginning of a difficult reconstruction process.

OPERA in the Occupied Territories
CESR is working closely with Palestine's Independent Commission on Human Rights to support its efforts protect economic and social rights.

Rights regressions and short-sighted austerity policies in Egypt
Factsheet provides a concise statistical snapshot of worrying trends in the country (2013).

Egypt rights activists take struggle to Geneva
CESR and its partners travelled to Geneva as Egypt was reviewed at the 51st session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Publications, Reports & Briefings, Submissions
Egypt: new report brings economic and social rights deficits to attention of UN
UN submission: CESR has joined forces with a broad coalition of 57 organizations on a joint parallel report taking the Egyptian government to task at the United Nations.

States Call on Syria to Uphold the Human Rights
Following Syria's review at the 12th session of the UPR, CESR and its partner ANND urge Syria to adopt the recommendations.

CESR joins statement to Human Rights Council on Syria
In February 2012, CESR added its signature to those of ANND and CIVICUS in a statement to the Human Rights Council regarding Syria.

Egypt: Submission to UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review
Joint submission to the OHCHR at the seventh session of the Universal Periodic Review, 2010.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Beyond Torture: US Violations of Occupation Law in Iraq
This report, from June 2004, presents ten categories of US violations of the laws of occupation.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Human Cost of War in Iraq
In January 2003, a CESR organized a research mission to Iraq to assess the likely humanitarian consequences of war.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Iraq: Water under seige
From April 2003, this report examines the lack of safe water in Iraq caused by the war.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Thirsting for Justice
This 2003 report exposes the ways in which Israel has taken complete control of shared Palestinian-Israeli water sources.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Tearing up the Rules: The Illegality of Invading Iraq
In March 2003, CESR presented a comprehensive analysis of why a war against Iraq would be unequivocally illegal.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Afghanistan: The Right to Food in Conflict
This report examines numerous violations to the right to food in Afghanistan, where the US-led war exacerbated and worsened the food situation drastically.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan
This report presents the findings of a human rights assessment mission to Afghanistan, undertaken in January 2002.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Sanctions Against Iraq: Costs of Failure
In 1997, CESR organized a fourth mission to Iraq to research a comprehensive report on the economic impact of sanctions.

Unsanctioned Suffering
This report offered evidence of the devastating toll that UN-imposed sanctions were taking on Iraqi society.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Health and Welfare in Iraq after the Gulf Crisis: An In-Depth Assessment
The findings of an 87-person international mission on the human rights impacts of the Gulf Crisis (1991).