Showing 1 to 15 of 15 results

Fiscal Governance Under the Taliban: an analysis of the first Afghan national budget since the fall of the republic
Even after the Taliban takeover, Afghan researchers & civil society are continuing to scrutinize government: Read this guest blog post by our ally Ibrahim Khan, who looks at the implications of the recently approved budget for human rights in Afghanistan.

Global Protests Demand Human Rights Actors Tackle Economic Injustice
Ignacio Saiz' submission to OpenGlobalRightsArticulo en español

Gaza's humanitarian crisis: what comes next?
The announcement of a long-term ceasefire in Gaza marks the beginning of a difficult reconstruction process.

Ireland: Post-crisis Constitutional Convention calls for economic and social rights
Consultations have revealed overwhelming support for incorporation of ESCR provisions in the crisis-hit country's constitution.

Political failures behind Horn of Africa crisis
Political indifference is as much to blame as drought for the spectre of famine's return to the Horn of Africa. Luke Holland explores the factors contributing to the crisis currently gripping the region.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Beyond Torture: US Violations of Occupation Law in Iraq
This report, from June 2004, presents ten categories of US violations of the laws of occupation.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
The Human Cost of War in Iraq
In January 2003, a CESR organized a research mission to Iraq to assess the likely humanitarian consequences of war.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Thirsting for Justice
This 2003 report exposes the ways in which Israel has taken complete control of shared Palestinian-Israeli water sources.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Tearing up the Rules: The Illegality of Invading Iraq
In March 2003, CESR presented a comprehensive analysis of why a war against Iraq would be unequivocally illegal.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Human Rights and Reconstruction in Afghanistan
This report presents the findings of a human rights assessment mission to Afghanistan, undertaken in January 2002.

The Right to Water in Palestine: a Background
The Israeli confiscation and control of Palestinian water resources is a defining feature of the Israeli occupation and a major impediment to resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Great Expectations, Bitter Realities
Economic Decline and Human Rights Abuse under the Oslo Process, 2001

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Sanctions Against Iraq: Costs of Failure
In 1997, CESR organized a fourth mission to Iraq to research a comprehensive report on the economic impact of sanctions.

Unsanctioned Suffering
This report offered evidence of the devastating toll that UN-imposed sanctions were taking on Iraqi society.