Decoding Injustice
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results

Join the 2024 cohort of the Decoding Injustice Learning Lab!
Explore tools to engage in economic policy debates and build evidence to change the system with allies from all over the world. Applications for the Decoding Injustice Learning Lab are now open.

What we learned from the first cohort of the Decoding Injustice Learning Lab
In 2023, CESR's Decoding Injustice Learning Lab welcomed its inaugural cohort. Here's a glimpse into what we've learned and our aspirations for future editions.

Decoding Injustice in practice: taking stock of what we’ve learned in 2023 and where we’re headed in 2024
From learning exchanges with organizations in Tunisia and the Asia Pacific to transformative research projects in the Philippines and Zambia, the program navigates the intersection of discrimination, policy decisions, and economic trends. Here, we explore Decoding Injustice's impactful journey over the past year and what comes next.

Decoding Injustice in practice: unpacking the role of human rights in economic justice struggles
This year, a group of six researchers from CESR and the Tunisian Observatory of the Economy (OTE) gathered in Istanbul. We shared Decoding Injustice, learned about how OTE approaches their research, and looked for synergies between the two.

Decoding the WBG’s SPLIT Project in the Philippines: Resisting Agrarian Injustice
This report exposes how peasants’ rights are being violated by market-led agrarian reforms promoted by the World Bank Group in the Philippines.

Decoding Debt Injustice: shed new light on how the global debt crisis impacts people’s rights
This guide, co-published with Debt Justice, sets out how to collect, analyze, and present data, to shed new light on how the global debt crisis impacts people’s rights.

Co-designing popular education materials on human rights and climate change: some early insights
We brought together 30 activists from mining-affected communities across South Africa to explore new ways of expanding human rights knowledge.

Latin America: CESR course on budgets and human rights
Registration is open for CESR's course "Sin recursos no hay derechos" at the Latin American "School for Activists", organized by our partners ACIJ, Namati & Red de Empoderamiento Jurídico.

The Decoding Injustice Tools Hub
Tackle the root cause of injustice: Use our Decoding Injustice tools to expose the impacts of economic policies on people and the planet.

CESR Co-Organizes Strategic Meeting of Indigenous Leaders From Peru and Colombia
At the event, we highlighted how the Principles for Human Rights in Fiscal Policies can aid the claims of indigenous peoples.

Linking Fiscal and Environmental Justice Agendas in the Andean Region
Environmental, socioeconomic and fiscal injustices in the Andean Region mutually reinforce each other, disproportionally affecting the rights and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant communities.