Economic governance
Showing 1 to 30 of 80 results

New guide: How to influence the G20 agenda for Economic Justice
Our latest publication provides actionable insights and strategies for advocating within and beyond the G20 system.

CESR and allies put forward key proposals for FfD4 to build a rights-based financial future
As the countdown to the Fourth Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in Seville 2025 begins, CESR joins forces with civil society to put forward a powerful agenda for financial transformation.

G20 issues unprecedented declaration on tax cooperation ahead of final UNTC Terms of Reference negotiations
The G20 committed to cooperate to “ensure that ultra-high-net-worth individuals are effectively taxed”, and further discuss the issues in the G20 and other relevant forums.

CESR and civil society allies present historic taxation recommendations to Brazil’s Finance Minister and G20 authorities
For the first time, the G20 Finance Track has directly received recommendations from civil society organizations, marking a historic moment in international tax policy discussions.

Unity in diversity: the G20 under the Brazilian presidency and the opportunity to join forces to reshape the global economy
At the heart of the recent Civil 20 (C20) inception meeting in Recife, Brazil, lies an unprecedented opportunity to champion a rights-based approach to economic policy.

Reflecting on transformation and collective learning through a milestone workshop in Kenya
As we reach the end of a two-year project supported by the Ford Foundation, we held a reflection and learning workshop in Naivasha, Kenya.

CESR at the IMF/WB 2023 Annual Meetings in Marrakesh: Pushing for Transformative Financial Reforms
Our participation aimed to spotlight the urgent need for a rights-based approach to global economic governance. Here’s a recap of the key events and discussions we were involved in.

CESR calls on the World Bank Group to shift its Cascade approach to a human rights and climate model
In our submission to the World Bank's Evolution Roadmap consultation we point out the institution's critical omissions.

One step closer to prioritizing human rights over Big Pharma profits
A joint effort between CESR and allies was influential in a recent declaration by CERD, which puts pressure on States to lift intellectual property barriers for the sake of people’s rights.

Latin America: CESR course on budgets and human rights
Registration is open for CESR's course "Sin recursos no hay derechos" at the Latin American "School for Activists", organized by our partners ACIJ, Namati & Red de Empoderamiento Jurídico.

Desigual y Letal: 5 key actions to recover from the pandemic in Latin America & the Caribbean
Our joint report with Amnesty International shows that to address the impact of the pandemic and prepare for others in the future, it is vital to transform fiscal policies in the region.

Why tax justice is critical to the rights of persons with disabilities
As the 2022 Financing for Development Forum gets underway, guest bloggers Polly Meeks and Mirjam Gasser use examples from Switzerland, the UK, and India to illustrate why the rights of persons with disabilities cannot be fully realized without reform of the international tax system.

Exploring the links between sovereign debt and human rights in Latin America
The Initiative for Human Rights in Fiscal Policy held a workshop on Argentina’s public debt and its relationship to human rights.

Fiscal Governance Under the Taliban: an analysis of the first Afghan national budget since the fall of the republic
Even after the Taliban takeover, Afghan researchers & civil society are continuing to scrutinize government: Read this guest blog post by our ally Ibrahim Khan, who looks at the implications of the recently approved budget for human rights in Afghanistan.

Half Measures: Global Digital Tax Proposals Fall Short of Realizing Human Rights
In this working paper, we analyze the human rights impacts of proposals to tax digital multinationals.

Interrogating the Legitimacy of Argentina’s Debt
Following Argentina’s announcement of reaching an agreement with the IMF, there is a groundswell of public debate about the legitimacy and the human impact of such payments. Human rights have a lot to say in the matter,

CESR's Submission to UN’s Independent Expert on Foreign Debt
We urge Prof. Attiya Waris to investigate the linkages between rising debt, tax systems, governance, and climate action.

CESR Highlights the Importance of Human Rights to Combat Illicit Financial Flows
The Principles for Human Rights in Fiscal Policy were presented at the 4th Conference on the Right to Development & Illicit Financial Flows from Africa.

Platforming Workers’ Rights in Global Tax Deals
Will the new “global solutions'' being proposed for taxing multinationals align with workers’ rights? In this new post, we analyze the links between global tax deal proposals and the lives of platform workers.

Tax Reforms and Global Redistribution: Situating the Global South
In this commentary piece for Economic & Political Weekly, our Program Officer, Sakshi Rai, argues for an urgent overhaul of the international financial system, as it continues to undermine workers' rights.

Global Minimum Tax: G7 Agreement Lacks in Legitimacy, Fails to Tackle the Root of the Problem
A truly progressive global tax reform must aim for the fair allocation of taxing rights for Global South countries, challenging the colonial foundations of the international financial system and giving all countries an equal seat at the table.
Rights Not Debts
CESR contributed to Progressive International's Debt Justice Blueprint, a series of essays that tackle the different dimensions of debt.

When Will the G20 Honor Its Debt to Human Rights?
Last week, we saw a flood of civil society actions and demands that all amount to a similar urgent task: to dismantle and rebuild our current global economic system.

IMF annuals side-event: Changing the rules for a just recovery
On September 30th, CESR's Executive Director, Ignacio Saiz, moderated a panel on "Changing the rules for a just recovery: aligning IMF's work with human rights and fiscal justice in Latin America and he Caribbean".