Right to education
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 results

Forging Tools for Fiscal Justice in the Andean Region
Since 2016, CESR has worked with civil society partners in Peru and Colombia to build greater consensus on how public resources can be more equitably generated and distributed, in line with human rights obligations.

Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Human Rights in Peru
Peru's success story in terms of growth and poverty reduction requires a more nuanced evaluation, given persistent inequalities and the government's failure to guarantee social rights and ensure sustainable growth through sound fiscal practices. This short video offers two compelling examples of unjustified rights deprivations caused by the country's unfair fiscal and budgetary policies: the setbacks in bilingual intercultural education policy and the lack of adequate funding for cancer policies.

Resources Restricting Rights: Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Social Rights in Peru
Funding gaps for education and healthcare in Peru create significant obstacles to the guarantee of human rights and economic equality.

Unequal and Unjust: the Human Rights Costs of Tax and Budget Decisions in Peru
A new report from CESR finds that Peru’s unjust tax and budget policies threaten quality education for the country’s Indigenous children and restrict access to prompt cancer treatment for some underserved patients.

How Data Is Helping in the Struggle for the Right to Education in South Africa
Media: CESR's Allison Corkery writes in Open Society Foundations Voices blog about using OPERA tool with Legal Resources Centre to identify indicators and analyze data for tracking implementation in South African education rights case.

How Data Is Helping in the Struggle for the Right to Education in South Africa
CESR's Allison Corkery writes in Open Society Foundations Voices blog about using OPERA tool with Legal Resources Centre to identify indicators and analyze data for tracking implementation on South African education rights case.

OPERA in South Africa: How Strategic Litigation + Strong Data = Better Implementation
In a new case study, CESR and the Legal Resources Centre reflect on a joint project piloting the use of the OPERA framework to analyze implementation in a case on the right to education in South Africa.

South Africa: court orders task team to tackle school furniture saga
CESR's partners in South Africa have secured a significant breakthrough after a court ordered the Minister of Basic Education to address furniture shortages in Eastern Cape schools.

Malaysia: new report on right to education for disabled children has important lessons for government
The National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia and CESR are working to ensure children with disabilities are not denied their right to education.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Egypt: Widespread rights retrogression exposed before UPR
The 11 briefing papers in this series were prepared by CESR and the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights

Syria: Submission to UN Human Rights Council's UPR
CESR's joint submission with the Arab NGO Network for the 12th session of the Universal Periodic Review, October 2011.

United States Factsheet
Despite its wealth, the United States has one the poorest records of economic and social rights achievement of all high-income countries.

Equatorial Guinea Factsheet
This 2009 factsheet focuses on the rights to health, education, water and sanitation.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Guatemalan State systematically violates economic and social rights of citizens
New CESR study on health, education and food says fiscal and tax policy is largely responsible.

Bolivia Factsheet
Inequality in education and health, and regional disparities in child mortality, in Bolivia are striking.

Factsheets, Manuals & Guides, Publications
United States: Fighting for the Right to Education
CESR has focused on efforts to improve educational standards in New York City public schools by bringing a human rights perspective to education issues.