Rights practice
Showing 1 to 30 of 32 results

Latin America: CESR course on budgets and human rights
Registration is open for CESR's course "Sin recursos no hay derechos" at the Latin American "School for Activists", organized by our partners ACIJ, Namati & Red de Empoderamiento Jurídico.

Publications, Reports & Briefings
Aligning Demands for a Just Recovery
We organized two community calls with partners and allies from across the social, economic, and environmental justice movements. In this brief publication, you can find out more about what we learned about working together for a rights-based economic transformation in the wake of COVID-19.

2019 Annual Report
CESR's annual report for 2019 surveys the impact of our work in a year when millions around the world took to the streets. It shares some of the progress we made—in countries around the world, in international human rights and development spaces, and in the broader field of social justice activism which we serve.

What Place for Human Rights in the Growing Movement against Inequality?
How can human rights tools and approaches help amplify the efforts and experiences of those who face inequality on a daily basis?

Going Against the Grain: Human Rights and Working for Change
The Going Against the Grain conference focused on local grassroots initiatives that use human rights as a practical tool to actively take on vested interests and advance economic democracy.

Human Rights and the Global Protests: Addressing Systems as well as Symptoms
Human rights advocates should be as concerned with the economic injustices giving rise to recent worldwide demonstrations as with the repressive responses to them.

Beyond Boundaries: allying human rights with other struggles for economic and social justice
Groundbreaking gathering of diverse social justice movements affirmed the need to maintain a focus on long-term systemic change and a commitment to reciprocity and mutual learning.

OPERA Stories: Using the framework to map community concerns in Scotland
Alison Hosie discusses how OPERA allowed the Scottish Human Rights Commission's diverse group of workshop participants to approach socioeconomic issues from a more human rights-based analytical perspective.

OPERA Stories: Using metrics to reframe “progress” in Egypt
Heba Khalil is a longstanding collaborator with CESR, most recently on the Egypt Social Progress Indicators. She is a PhD student at the University of Illinois and a researcher with the Social Justice Platform (SJP).

OPERA Stories: Giving indicators and benchmarks a human face in the UK
Koldo Casla and Imogen Richmond-Bishop discuss using OPERA in a national human rights context and the importance of a human element in rights advocacy work.

OPERA Stories: Advancing rights implementation in Kenya
This first blog in our “OPERA Stories” series highlights NGO Hakijamii's use of OPERA, our analytic framework, to support rights-claiming in Kenya.
Developing Practical Guidance on "Maximum Available Resources"
On June 26, 2018, CESR, Dejusticia, the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the UN and other international organizations present a side event on "Developing Practical Guidance on Maximum Available Resources" at the 38th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

High Commissioner reports on civil society engagement with international and regional organizations
A CESR submission regarding limited civil society space at the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development was referenced in a report by the High Commissioner on Human Rights.

Rising inequality is a wake-up call for human rights
Media: Ignacio Saiz writes in Open Global Rights that the challenges economic inequality poses for human rights are not the death knell for the movement but a wake-up call for a more holistic approach.

Human rights must rise to the challenge of growing inequality, not retreat in defeat
The challenges economic inequality poses for human rights are not the death knell for the movement but a wake-up call for a more holistic approach.

Is Human Rights Advocacy Off Track?
Media: IHRB blog post by Salil Tripathi in response to Samuel Moyne points out CESR as an organization with a track record of using human rights to campaign for distributional fairness.

Economic inequality and human rights: towards a more nuanced assessment
The challenges facing human rights are not the death knell for the movement, but a wake up call for a more holistic approach.
UN special rapporteurs play catalytic role in promoting ESCR
20 December: CESR recently participated in a roundtable discussion concerning the catalytic role the UNHRC special rapporteurs play in promoting ESCR.

Sharp data skills and strategic venue choices key to claiming ESCR
CESR workshopped with multiple European partners in Riga, Latvia to strengthen national human rights institutes' capacity to increase skills for handling ESCR complaints and monitoring socioeconomic policies.

"OPERA-tionalizing" rights in Scotland’s new social security law
A workshop in Scotland asked how human rights can help design policies that tackle economic inequality and social exclusion.

How can the UPR strengthen economic, social and cultural rights?
At a recent side event in Geneva, CESR and its partners examined the Universal Periodic Review's efforts to advance ESC rights.

Reporting back from the Responsible Data Forum
Participants from the Responsible Data Forum - a major meeting about the role of data and new technologies in human rights documentation - talk to CESR about the lessons they have learned.

Measuring what we treasure: human rights insights for post-2015 development
As governments set about choosing indicators for the post-2015 sustainable development goals, it is crucial that calls for pragmatism don't lead to a lack of ambition.

New tools for old problems: closing the accountability gap in Egypt
Allison Corkery on the next phased of our ongoing collaboration with Egyptian human rights defenders.

A missed opportunity for ESCR: Reflections on Egypt's appearance before UPR
CESR's Allison Corkery reflects on the challenges of holding Egypt to account before the UN for its ESCR obligations.

OPERA in the Occupied Territories
CESR is working closely with Palestine's Independent Commission on Human Rights to support its efforts protect economic and social rights.

Egypt rights activists take struggle to Geneva
CESR and its partners travelled to Geneva as Egypt was reviewed at the 51st session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

From Kenya to Kuala Lumpur: boosting the role of national human rights institutions
2012 has seen the Center working closely with national human rights institutions in Kenya, New Zealand and Malaysia to boost their capacity to advance economic and social rights in their countries.

Spain answers to UN for rights impacts of crisis response
Spain is appearing before the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for the first time in eight years.

Strengthening protection of economic and social rights in Kenya
CESR has been supporting KNCHR pioneering work on economic and social rights.