United Nations
Showing 1 to 30 of 92 results

Relive “Privacy vs. transparency: Human rights and the UN Tax Convention”
On October 22, CESR hosted a webinar addressing the complexities of privacy, transparency, and human rights in the context of global tax reform.

Recognizing care as a human right and a public good: a call to action from global civil society
As the UN prepares to shape the Pact for the Future, feminist, labor, and human rights organizations are pushing for care to be recognized as a fundamental human right.

The adoption of the UN Tax Convention Terms of Reference paves the way for Fiscal Justice
Adopted by 110 votes to 8, the Terms of Reference include human rights as a core principle.

Convention Clash: A recap of week one of the UNTC Terms of Reference negotiations
Our team on the ground at the UN offices in New York is participating in the process and documenting all the latest developments: Here’s a quick day-by-day summary of the discussions dominating the first week of negotiations.

CESR's intervention: Day 2 of the 2nd round of UNTC Terms of Reference negotiations
Our Co-Director of Program, María Emilia Mamberti, took the floor at the United Nations Tax Convention negotiations to highlight the critical importance of integrating human rights into fiscal policy

All eyes on the final round of UNTC Terms of Reference negotiations: insights from 103 submissions
We analyzed the 103 submissions following the release of the Zero Draft, analyzing the key issues at play and where different countries stand.

CESR welcomes new report challenging GDP fixation and advocating for a Rights-Based Economy
We welcome the latest report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Olivier De Schutter

Strengthening the human rights dimension of the UNTC: CESR and allies weigh in on Terms of Reference Zero Draft
Our second submission to the UNTC’s Terms of Reference Committee, with a diverse group of allies, emphasizes the need for human rights to be explicitly integrated into the UNTC framework

CESR's intervention at the United Nations Tax Convention Ad-Hoc Committee
CESR delivered a statement at the meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee drafting the terms of reference for a United Nations Framework Convention for International Tax Cooperation. Read our intervention here.

Setting the stage: an in-depth analysis of the 103 submissions to the UNTC
Here, we analyze the key demands and issues that member states and other relevant stakeholders are putting on the table.

The UN framework convention on international tax cooperation is now a certainty: What can and must it address?
This month, a coalition of 30 civil society organizations led by CESR, including Oxfam and Amnesty International, submitted a proposal to the UN, advocating for a global tax treaty that prioritizes human rights. This marks a significant step in the process of establishing a unified approach to international tax cooperation through the United Nations.

CESR and allies send submission urging human rights inclusion in UNTC terms of reference
CESR, in collaboration with a worldwide network of civil society organizations, has presented a collective submission to the Ad Hoc Committee tasked with drafting the Terms of Reference for the United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation (UNTC).

Analysis of Ongoing Consultations: Why we urgently need to join forces towards supporting a UN Tax Convention
The inputs received by the UN's Secretary General ahead of discussing a UN Tax Convention show how urgent it is to join forces to make the instrument happen.

Call to Chile and Colombia to promote a new fiscal pact for Latin America and the Caribbean
In this joint statement, CESR and allies call on the governments of Chile and Colombia to lead the way towards fiscal justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.

CESR calls for intersectional climate justice which is rights-aligned and anti-racist
In the submission, we focused on reforms to global economic governance and the link between resource generation and the capacity to respond to climate change and its racially disparate impacts.

CSW in a time of climate and COVID crisis
Our Climate Justice Program Officer, Alina Saba, offers here a recount of the progress and challenges seen at CSW 66, the world’s largest gathering on women’s rights.

A11 and CESR Prompt UN Committee to Scrutinize Austerity Measures in Serbia
A joint report illustrates how the austerity measures introduced by Serbia since 2014 violate the State’s human rights obligations.

CESR and partners follow up on South Africa’s CESCR review
Our team and allies have been closely following the implementation of recommendations by the UN on economic, social, and cultural rights.

2021 Spotlight Report
Spotlight on Sustainable Development Report 2021 is the most comprehensive global civil society assessment of progress on the sustainable development agenda and the systemic obstacles it faces.

CESR Sends Submission to UN Expert on Foreign Debt
CESR outlined a number of key concerns and proposals to inform her forthcoming report on the international debt architecture and human rights.

Urgent Appeal to Ensure Equitable and Universal Vaccine Access
As a part of ESCR-Net, CESR delivered a 63-page urgent appeal to Special Procedures at the United Nations to ensure equitable and universal COVID-19 vaccine access.

Spotlight Report Outlines "8R Agenda" for Transformational Recovery
The 2020 edition of the Spotlight Report, launched September 17, 2020, argues policy responses to COVID-19 must not return us to the deeply dysfunctional, structurally unequal status quo and offers as an alternative the “8 R” agenda for transformational recovery.

CESR Launches 2020 Spotlight Report
On Friday 18 September, CESR launched the 2020 Spotlight Report with an event featuring CESR Executive Director Ignacio Saiz as a speaker.