Showing 16 results

New guide: How to influence the G20 agenda for Economic Justice
Our latest publication provides actionable insights and strategies for advocating within and beyond the G20 system.

CESR and civil society allies present historic taxation recommendations to Brazil’s Finance Minister and G20 authorities
For the first time, the G20 Finance Track has directly received recommendations from civil society organizations, marking a historic moment in international tax policy discussions.

Unity in diversity: the G20 under the Brazilian presidency and the opportunity to join forces to reshape the global economy
At the heart of the recent Civil 20 (C20) inception meeting in Recife, Brazil, lies an unprecedented opportunity to champion a rights-based approach to economic policy.

Desigual y Letal: 5 key actions to recover from the pandemic in Latin America & the Caribbean
Our joint report with Amnesty International shows that to address the impact of the pandemic and prepare for others in the future, it is vital to transform fiscal policies in the region.

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Brazil
The Fight for Human Rights in the Context of COVID-19: a tough ride for Brazilian civil society organizations. Guest blog by Livi Gerbase, policy advisor at the Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos (INESC).

Confronting COVID: How Civil Society is Responding Across Countries | Brazil
Grazielle David, of the Fiscal Justice Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, discusses Brazilian civil society's efforts to create fiscal space for rights funding in the face of longstanding austerity and the federal government's lack of coordinated responses to the pandemic.

CESR Joins Judicial Action Against Devastating Brazilian Spending Freeze
CESR is supporting a coalition of 192 Brazilian civil society organizations and social justice groups as they file a judicial action against Brazil’s expenditure cap, which has had grievous effects on the wellbeing of many of Brazil’s citizens, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brazil: Human Rights in Times of Austerity
This video illustrates that advances in tackling poverty and human rights deprivations in Brazil are at risk from a series of harmful and severe austerity measures put in place by the government starting in 2015.

"Human Rights in Times of Austerity" covered in thirty Brazilian publications and websites
Media: New factsheet "Human Rights in Times of Austerity" received coverage from at least thirty Brazilian publications and websites in the past month.

Brasil: direitos humanos em tempos de austeridade
Levantamento realizado pelo Centro para os Direitos Econômicos e Sociais (CESR), INESC e Oxfam Brasil e revela que políticas públicas voltadas à área social tiveram redução de até 83% no orçamento nos últimos três anos. A área que mais perdeu recursos desde 2014 foi a de direitos da juventude, seguida dos programas voltados à segurança alimentar, mudanças climáticas, moradia digna e defesa dos direitos humanos de crianças e adolescentes.

Brazil's austerity cap stunting rights to food, health and education
Press release: CESR and partners present new empirical findings on austerity’s severe impact on food security, health and education in Brazil.

Brazil's Human Rights Advances Imperiled by Austerity Measures
Human rights advances in Brazil are at risk from the government's severe austerity measures.

The IMF, Gender Equality and Expenditure Policy
New briefing on the IMF's fluctuating positions on austerity as it impacts women.
Brazil: fiscal austerity freeze ‘lacks all compassion’
Concern is growing over the potentially devastating human rights impacts of Brazil’s newly-approved ‘PEC 55’ constitutional amendment, which will freeze public spending at current levels for the next twenty years.

Brazil: Social rights under siege
Brazil is on the cusp of making a constitutional amendment that will undermine fundamental human rights for generations to come.

Publications, Reports & Briefings, Submissions
Fiscal policy and human rights in the Americas
For the first time, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has played host to a thematic hearing specifically focused on fiscal policy and human rights.